Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dr. Adolf Steg: Painting by Numbness

02 Dec 2007 – 05 Jan 2008

An exhibition of unconventional illustrations exposing a strange and made up world.

This exhibition of works by local artist, show a representative selection of the shifting styles he uses to depict the made up world and it’s unusual characters. Dr. Steg has prolifically produced comics, drawings, reliefs and other objects for many years. Talking about the aim of his art, Dr. Steg tells Curator Kerry Hunt, ‘The World of Dr. Adolf Steg is the constant pursuit of pointlessness, spontaneity, stupidity, idiocy, literature, art and laughter all mixed together.’
You are invited to join us at the private view being held between 1pm-2pm Sunday the 2nd of December.


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